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Our History

Kingsway Bible Baptist Church is an independent, evangelical church founded on February 3, 1979 by Pastor Benjamin Crawford. They held the first official worship service on February 18, 1979 at the home of Bro. and Sis. Thomas Powell, Sr., at 1534 Abbotston Street.


Pastor Crawford and his wife Lucille, their children Christina and Bridgette; Bro. Thomas and Peggy Powell, Sr. and their children Thomas Powell, Jr., Juanita, Aaron and Nicole; also Sis. Linda Lamb were all part of the founding members of the church.


On July 11, 1982, Kingsway moved to 2622 Greenmount Avenue. They remained there for two years before moving to 535 Chateau Avenue, the home of Pastor and Sis. Crawford.


From April 12, 1987 to April 12, 1992, Kingsway was at 1215 East Monument Street. Pastor Herman Ford and the members of Fountain Baptist Church had graciously relinquished their Educational Center to allow Kingsway to use it as a place of worship.


On April 19, 1992, Kingsway moved into the Walter P. Carter Recreation Center. The center is located across the street from Kingsway’s own building site.


Saturday, April 24, 1993, Kingsway held a groundbreaking ceremony to symbolize hope, and to signal the beginning and the end of a quest to build a sanctuary unto the Lord. In February 1995, more than 16 years after the inception of Kingsway, Hopkins Construction Company began the construction of Kingsway’s own building. We marched in our new edifice on September 10, 1995.

These ministries are presently being used by God in Kingsway, Ministerial, Men’s fellowship, Women’s fellowship, Seniors Encouraging Seniors, Greeters, Ushers, D.O.T.S., Security, Medical, Tutorial, Transportation, Youth and Young Adults; Sunday School, Media, Choir, Nursery, Hospitality; Secretarial, Prayer, Trustees, Deacons, Deaconess, Evangelism, and  Christian Education.


Not unlike the Children of Israel, Kingsway have seen many difficult times, moving from one location to another. Yet, through it all, many of the church members remained steadfast. Some fell by the wayside and some just went, but we thank God for those members who are with us today. God blessed Kingsway slowly, but surely. We are committed every week knocking on doors and evangelizing. We have seen many souls saved and lives changed. The Lord has also blessed Kingsway to acquire additional properties adjacent to the church on the North and East side of the church. He has blessed the church to also acquire properties several streets over on Craddock Avenue.


KBBC Core Values


 The celebration of God for who He is, what He has done, is doing and for what we expect Him to do.



The sharing of the gospel through word, deed and evangelism, as well as comprehensive social impact.



The on-going process whereby the character and commandments of Christ are reproduced in the lives of all believers.



The mutual sharing of the Love and Life of Christ between believers.



Meeting the needs of people – both Christians and non-Christians.



The growth in the understanding and application of the knowledge of God through His Word.

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