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Wondering What It's Like To Visit Kingsway?

View this week's Sunday morning worship service.

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Recurring Events

Sunday Morning Worship - Weekly (Sundays @11:00am)


Adult Sunday School - Weekly (Sundays @10:00am)


Youth Sunday School - Weekly (Sundays @10:00am)


Youth Church - Weekly (Sundays. After the offering, the adults remain in the sanctuary while the youth meet downstairs for christian education and activities.)


Couples Fellowship - Monthly (Every 3rd Saturday of the month, the couples meet and have fun.)


Women's Fellowship - Monthly (Every 4th Saturday of the month, the women meet and have fun.)


Men's Fellowship - Monthly (Every 2nd Saturday of the month, the men meet and have fun.)


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Visit Us Anytime

4301 St Georges Ave., Baltimore, MD 21212, USA

(410) 433-5056

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